Mike McMeekin & Kyle Davy
Updated 5/12/23.
Updated 5/28/23.
To unlock its full potential and fulfill its obligation to serve society at the highest levels, the engineering community needs to step boldly into the public policy arena. It is in this arena where critical policies related to the engineering challenges of the 21st century are established and where funding levels and priorities are set. The public policy arena is where problems are defined that the engineering community is then asked to solve. The technical knowledge and experience of the engineering community are critical to effective public policy. To have a greater impact in the public policy arena, we will need to move from a sense of disempowerment to empowerment; from believing that we only implement the policies and ideas of others to active engagement in defining the right problems in the right way. We will need to apply this empowerment in new ways, with great respect and empathy for the impacts of public policy and our work on people, on communities, and on the environment.