Planning is continuing for our next Engineering Change Lab – USA (ECL-USA) virtual mini-summit, Licensure Models for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on December 16, 2020. This summit will feature a half-day deep dive into the need for engineering licensure models to adapt. This summit will be presented in partnership with the National Society of Professional Engineers and the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. Register at the link below.
Thanks to Dr. Yvette Pearson, Associate Dean at the Rice University School of Engineering, for featuring ECL-USA on her Engineering Change Podcast series. Dr. Pearson’s podcast ( and her work is seeking to transform engineering and aligns closely with the work of ECL-USA. She is particularly interested in shifting cultures to enhance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion engineering education and practice.
You can listen to the ECL-USA podcast at any of these links.
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
ECL-USA’s first Engineering Ideas Institute is complete. You can now review the reports for all four sessions (Session 1 Report) (Session 2 Report) (Session 3 Report) (Session 4 Report). Recordings of all four sessions are also available (Session 1) (Session 2) (Session 3) (Session 4).
The reports highlight the provocateur presentations and the group discussions on four topics that are highly important to the future of engineering. Each report summarizes the key takeaways from the sessions.
Session 1 included an exploration of the complex entanglement between society and technology and the role that the engineering community can play in an emergent future to help society anticipate, untangle, and adapt. Group discussion was centered around provocateur Darshan Karwat’s self-reflection questions for activist engineers.
Session 2 revealed the unique leadership responsibility of the engineering community to commit to a deep understanding of the systems that are impacted by our work captured in this framework.
Session 3 challenged participants to work for justice, equity, diversity and inclusivity in the engineering community through a broad-based approach that encompasses personal mastery, interpersonal relationships, organizational culture, and structural barriers.
Session 4 examined how engineering and science can be used to more effectively set policy and how engineers can move beyond simply providing technical advice and counsel to higher level engagement in public policy.
Look for an announcement soon on our upcoming programming.
ECL-USA’s Summit 9, The Engineering Ideas Institute, is in the books. Session 1 included an exploration of the complex entanglement between society and technology and the role that the engineering community can play in an emergent future to help society anticipate, untangle, and adapt. The theme of Session 2 was Environmentally Responsible Engineering: Building Capacities for Leading ERE Work / Leading the Change. This session explored what it takes to lead the work of ERE through the stories of the session provocateurs who are actively engaged in this type of work. Session 3 focused on the subject of Diversity Challenges: Exploring Barriers and Enablers for Women and Under Represented Minorities in Engineering. The session explored why the system is stuck with respect to the percentage of women and under-represented minorities in the engineering workforce and possible leverage points for unsticking it (removing barriers, fostering enablers, changing mindsets and unconscious biases, etc.). Session 4’s theme was Public Policy: Enabling Engineering Leadership in the Public Policy Arena. This session examined how engineering and science can be used to more effectively set policy and how engineers can move beyond simply providing technical advice and counsel to higher level engagement in public policy. Detailed reports on all four sessions will be available soon.
The tragic death of George Floyd and the subsequent demonstrations and protests have altered our view of the world and motivated many organizations, including engineering organizations, to issue statements of commitment to change that results in a more equitable society. How can engineering organizations best contribute to this movement? Certainly, addressing diversity and inclusivity within our organizations and broadening our approach to the design of projects to include a more comprehensive view of the human impacts of our work are important. We can also contribute to public policy changes that re-prioritize our investments in public infrastructure in ways that result in more equitable communities…. Read More
ECL-USA Summit 9, The Engineering Ideas Institute Update
Planning continues for Engineering Change Lab – USA (ECL-USA) Summit 9, The Engineering Ideas Institute. Out of concern for the potential health risks of travelling to and participating in an in-person gathering and because of the uncertainty of our economy, the summit will be presented as a virtual experience. We will return to the in-person format for our future summits when conditions have stabilized.
The Engineering Ideas Institute will be presented in four separate, four-hour sessions. Provocateurs for the four sessions have been confirmed and design of the sessions is being finalized. All four sessions will include reflection on the Covid-19 pandemic and what we are learning about the role engineers and the engineering community can play to improve society’s resilience and adaptive capacity…. Read More