Rosalyn W. Berne, PhD serves as the National Academy of Engineering’s Director for the Center of Engineering Ethics and Society (CEES). With CEES she is working on various projects such as: Ethics and Plastic Pollution; Ethics and the Engineering Grand Challenges; Safety Responsibility of Engineers; and Responsible Conduct of Research. She also oversees the OEC (Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science.) As Associate Professor of Engineering and Society at the University of Virginia’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, she explores the intersecting realms of emerging technologies, science, fiction and myth, and the links between the human and non-human worlds. She has two academic books (Nanotalk: Conversations with Scientists and Engineers about Ethics, Meaning and Belief in the Development of Nanotechnology, and Creating Life from Life: Biotechnology and Science Fiction), numerous conference papers and journal articles, and a science fiction novel (Waiting in the Silence) published under her name. And has also two award-winning books published in the body-mind-spirit genre.