There is still plenty of time to register for our next Engineering Change Lab – USA (ECL-USA) virtual mini-summit, Licensure Models for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on December 16, 2020. This summit will feature a half-day deep dive into the need for engineering licensure models to adapt. This summit will be presented in partnership with the National Society of Professional Engineers and the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. Register by clicking the button below.
During this virtual summit, we will explore the future of licensure for engineering and the role licensure and regulatory bodies can play in ensuring that engineers and organizations engaged in the development of the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution act in the public interest. Our provocateurs will inform and frame this discussion from their different perspectives.
- Patty Mamola, P.E. and Lance Kinney, P.E. Patty and Lance are Executive Directors of the State Licensing Boards in Nevada and Texas, respectively. They have both been at the forefront of licensure reform within the regulatory community and have led the Future of Licensure Initiative within ECL-USA.
- Caitlin Kenney, P.E., Systems Engineer, International Systems Management Corp. Caitlin will bring the perspective of engineering practice in industry. She is an active advocate for licensure for industrial and systems engineers.
- Tim Jacobs, Interim Department Head of the Department of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering, Texas A&M University. Dr. Jacobs has overseen inter-disciplinary engineering efforts at Texas A&M since 2017, growing the program from less than 30 students to now over 170 students across six inter-disciplinary engineering degree programs. He will bring the perspective of the higher education sector and the need for licensure to adapt to these new types of engineering degrees.
- Mark Abbott, P.Eng., Managing Director, Engineering Change Lab – Canada. Mark will share lessons learned from ECL-Canada’s recent exploration of licensure with Professional Engineers Ontario.
The summit registration fee is $100. Free registration is available for a limited number of students or for others with financial constraints. Students and others interested in a waiver of the registration fee should contact Mike McMeekin ([email protected]).
Outreach Update
ECL-USA continues to broaden connections with the engineering community. See below for our recent and upcoming outreach activities.
- Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Virtual Conference – Shovel Ready Ideas for a Fresh Start. ECL-USA Executive Director Mike McMeekin was part of a panel focused on the impacts of infrastructure on equity and social justice. The conference was attended by over 500 infrastructure professionals.
- ACEC Engineering Influence Podcast. ECL-USA partnered with ACEC for two of ACEC’s “Engineering Influence” podcasts. Both podcasts are available at the links below, the first featuring Summit 9 provocateur Darshan Karwat of Arizona State University, and the second featuring Summit 9 provocateur Jen Molnar of The Nature Conservancy.
Listen to the Podcast Listen to the Podcast
ECL-USA will be a co-sponsor of the ASME Engineering for Change Impact Engineered Live Forum & Awards on December 3 and 4 (Impact.Engineered). The virtual conference and networking experience will feature inspirational keynotes, mindful conversations, celebration and networking to advance the role of engineering and technology in sustainable development across the globe. Registration for this conference is free at the link below. #IE2020